Whoa! time flies and I need to update the blog! Okay, we did Easter in San Diego with Lesli's family. Here's Charlotte, cousin Jaimeelea and Savannah setting the table...
I don't know how we ever celebrated Springtime without chocolate fountains. They make huge smiles...
and deep sleep when the sugar buzz wears off on the car ride home...
In late spring, Savannah's class dressed up in Colonial period costumes, reflecting the time in American history that they were studying...
Charlotte and her buddy Maggie were partners during 'dress-like twins' day. I just call it damn cute kids day...

Our friend Steve "Mandingo" Angel took us to a wonderful Mexican dinner one night. Here he and the girls do the cha-cha for the camera...

Over Memorial Day Dan's nephew Evan & his girlfried Beth came to visit. We had a TON of fun moving furniture (grin!), seeing the sights and going to an Angels game. We had THE BEST seats...

Okay, I'm joking. Here's the view from our seats. They were literally as far from home plate as they could be! We didn't care...it wasn't a Braves game!

We also went to Santa Monica Pier with Beth & Evan. Dan & Beth were too smart to get on the Octopus ride, but it sure looks like Lesli & Charlotte had fun...

The Pirate's Ship ride was a blast for everyone...

Here is Charlotte pretending to be a dolphin jockey on a bronze statue at the pier...

Stitches or not, the girl can still shake those hips for the Hawaiian Ho'olaulea...

Goofing around with Charlotte at the Hawaiian festival

mmm...shave ice on a warm day. Charlotte, Savannah and friend Ariana...

Another juxtaposition is the aviary at the Long Beach Aquarium. Go figure. Anyway, these lorikeets were very, ah, friendly. Here's Dan practicing his pirate skills...

We're very proud that Savannah finished in the top of the class and was singled out for several awards...

One of her last projects was to make a float (model) of one of the fifty states. Dan was sooo proud she choose Georgia!

We celebrated Charlotte's birthday in June because the statute of limitations on birthday celebrations is 3 months (grin!). The revelers made custom tote bags...

The girls quickly found jumpy-tents in the infield...
We made $2 bets on the races. Savannah's advice was uncanny
smiling all the way to the bank (we didn't let her bet!)