Thursday, March 20, 2008

Odds & Ends Jan - Mar 2008

When the girls' school had an 80's dress-up day, SBK and CCK relied on Lesli (aka: The Eighties Lady) to help them out...
CCK with her friend Maggie...

I think Charlotte took this - I like it!
Charlotte joined softball this year. Here team's color is pink, so the girls chose the name "The Pink Panthers. Here she is with her cap...

We got together with longtime friends the Lyons and the Tabachs for a great evening out. From L-R: Dan, Rich, John, Mindy, Lesli and Dominique
Super Bowl Sunday we got up early and drove to a local ski mountain (Snow Summit) for the day. Here are the girls during the ride up...
...and on the mountain. It was a raw day with a mix of wet snow and rain driven by a harsh wind. We were happy to retreat back home at the end of the day...
Clowning around with dessert are CCK, Daniella Cooper and SBK...

Dan went to Atlanta on business, but saw his family, and got this rare photo of the 4 siblings. From L-R Dan, Linda Harris, Julie Nozaki and Scott Kendall...

On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day we toured the Regan Library. Here is a replica of the Oval Office during Ronnie's tenure
A retired Boeing 707 that served as Air Force One from Kennedy to Clinton is at the library. It is very cool, and the interior is the best, though you can only take pictures of the exterior...
Perhaps President Reagan's biggest moment came when he demanded the Berlin wall be removed by the Soviets. A chunk of the wall is now at the library. I found it ironic that there is a barrier around it.

The library sits high above the Simi Valley with views all the way to the Pacific. Unsettled weather created rainbows. Here are the girls on the back lawn...

One January weekend the tides were just right to visit tidepools. This time we went to Palos of the bigger starfish we saw...

Lesli caught this great photo of the lunar eclipse. As with all these pictures, click on the pic to get a bigger view...

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Lake Tahoe 2008

Over leap-weekend we did our annual 'grown-ups only' ski trip that Lesli organizes. From left to right: Lesli, Stefanie, Ed, Bob, Dan K., Liz, Noam, Dan M., Margarita and Rachel...

Here are Dan & Liz Mohler in the "before" picture...
...and here is the "after" picture. Happiness is sharing an ice wrap on your injuries...

On Saturday we avoided the crowds by going to the lesser-known Homewood Ski Area. Conditions weren't the best ("Do NOT go down Lake Louise!"), but the views of the lake were very nice. Here are the Kendalls...

Ski-lift self-portrait with Ed "Spiderman" Glassberg, Lesli "Helen Skeez" Kendall and Dan "The Condor" Kendall...

Homewood is on Lake Tahoe's western shore which also includes dazzling Emerald Bay...

We had a great evening out on Friday night, and a great evening in on Saturday. Margarita "Lucy" Cooper and Rachel "Your Special Lady Friend" Leiterman...

Ed, Ed's-Dan and Liz

Stefanie, Lesli and Dan K.

Dan "Mole-man" Mohler and Bob "Chris Baker" Cooper have enjoyed long and successful careers as male models...
The Condor & Noam "The Dude" Shendar are proud of their balls on the pool table...

Stefanie "Bode" Glassberg wins the compulsory talent contest...

Aerial coverage of our Saturday night poker game provided courtesy of Goodyear...

The Italian women - Stefanie, Lesli & Margarita - prepare home-made lasagna

Here is the whole gang at the massive dining table. L-R Rachel, Margarita, Stefanie, Lesli, Dan K., Noam, Bob, Liz, Ed and Dan M.